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EAN Brain Health Mission

The European Academy of Neurology Brain Health Strategy: One brain, one life, one approach.

Brain health is essential for health, well-being, productivity and creativity across the entire life. Its definition goes beyond the absence of disease embracing all cognitive, emotional, behavioural and social functions which are necessary to cope with life situations. The European Academy of Neurology (EAN) Brain Health Strategy responds to the high and increasing burden of neurological disorders. It aims to develop a non-disease-, non-age-centred holistic and positive approach (‘one brain, one life, one approach’) to prevent neurological disorders (e.g., Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias, stroke, epilepsy, headache/migraine, Parkinson’s disease, multiple sclerosis, sleep disorders, brain cancer) but also to preserve brain health and promote recovery after brain damage.

The aim of the Brain Health Mission is to raise awareness and create opportunity for people to better understand the importance of preserving a healthy brain and nervous system, to diagnose, and to treat neurological and brain disorders from the earliest moment possible. 

The Austrian Parkinson-Society is an official contributor of the EAN Brain Health Mission!

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